Sunday Lunch at Chop Chop Wok

chop chop wok pintrest



Today, on 14th Jan 2018, I went with my brother to have some lunch at Chop Chop Wok restaurant which I had been longing to try. Sorry about writing the blog in style of writing a diary to myself but it’s like, I am quite in the mode. Initially I had a plan to visit Karachi Eat Festival 2018 at Benazir Bhutto Park but the pictures I saw on twitter regarding traffic jam and parking issues kind of freaked me out. Anyway, even though I had a heavy breakfast today , my brother just had a apple and a glass of milk so I thought it won’t be fair to had him starving just because I wasn’t that hungry. Plus my driving skills regarding manual car drive still needs skills since it has been too long and I didn’t got a chance to drive these that frequently. So, at 2 p.m. today, we left for the lunch and got there in couple of minutes.


ccw entrance

Entrance Chop Chop Wok


Restaurant was neat and clean and unlike other restaurants, they had their kitchen right in the middle of the seating area with glass windows so that customers won’t be concerned about the hygiene.


selfie and ccw kitchen

Chop Chop Wok Kitchen


Menu targeted the cuisine of the Far East including Thai, Cantonese, Vietnamese and Japanese food each mentioning their specific taste in the description. Along with their special dishes, the restaurant introduces an option to ‘design’ your dish using what they call 3 step Wok. Plus I saw the first restaurant in Pakistan especially for introducing paperless environment while taking orders from customers which means their staff was quite educated.


ccw menu

Chop Chop Wok menu


We both chose the 3 step Wok option and went for Egg noodles, Pan Asian, fish & prawns for me and chicken for my brother as we were in a mode to have something spicy. For drinks, we ordered an orange juice and mint lemonade. The order was served shortly. It was really hot & spicy but was really delicious.




Egg noddles with fish n prawn

Order Served


After the meal, I decided to try their fried ice cream and upon having it, realized it is certainly a bad idea to get something frozen fried by coating with something similar to a protein bar. I really tasted like having a porridge filled with ice cream. Anyhow, the food was great and I must recommend you do try their food.


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