Why Boat Basin is no longer a place to dine in for families?


Boat Basin, sometimes called boating basin which is one of the most popular food street in Karachi. Located near Benazir Bhutto Park Clifton, Boat Basin has all kinds of restaurants serving Desi, Fast Food and Chinese Cuisines. Despite the variety of food items available, Boat Basin Karachi is considered absolutely not the place for the families. The reasons are listed below:


Congested Parking


As the food street is located on the service road, you’ll find it mostly blocked by the restaurant owners by placing the seating arrangements for customers and grills for the barbecue. With the remaining space left, parking is really hard to find. So if you are visiting the place, be prepared for such issues.


police academy parking GIF-source


Seating arrangement and cleaning issues


A part from parking issues, the seating arrangement and cleanliness is also a major issue. You’ll find trash everywhere while dining thrown by customers. Even though most restaurants have family halls, there are relatively smaller in size. As far as the seating arrangement is concerned, you can see the image below to get my point:




Customers Themselves

Customers or I must say, the class of customers that usually visit the place aren’t that much literate and often behave in an awful manner. Unless you aren’t familiar with Pakistani culture and customs, it is a very big mistake to bring your family to dine at this place.

Restaurant owners desperate for customers

With family or not, as soon as you enter their “territory” even though you are just passing by and have no intention to eat at all, waiters from the nearby restaurants will swarm at their prospective customers to make them dine at their restaurant each one appearing more desperate than the other. Their behavior will sure irritate you enough to flee the area swearing never to show yourself in this place again.



Hot and Humid Environment

With most of the restaurants being open air, Karachi usually has a humid climate especially during the months of June, July and August. Moreover, the  seating arrangements are quite close to the grills and coal bins where barbecue is prepared adding more heat. So it is highly recommended NOT to visit this place in this months.


hugh dancy GIF-source



*Please note that all images and GIFs are been taken from google.