How to start a travel blog?

How to start a


Blogging is one of the most popular way to earn money online. However, it isn’t as simple as it sounds. It requires effort and patience especially if you want a high traffic on your blog. Consider it as your travel diary which you have shared online. Assuming you are a frequent traveler, here are a few tips you can use to start a travel blog.

  • Before starting your own travel blog, see travel blog of popular bloggers. The one I follow is Nomadic Matt.
  • Once you have an idea of the basic layout of a travel blog, you must choose a platform for blogging. WordPress is one of the most popular platforms as it is really easy to use especially if you don’t have a programming background.
  • While traveling, please take good pictures and make good videos. Photographs and videos generally inspire people to travel to a particular destination.
  • Content is the key. Remember! Travel Blogs with boring content don’t attract readers. Write good but not too long content. Travel itineraries should be to the point.
  • Optimize your blog for search engines. If you are using Wordress, use Yoast plugin to optimize your site. Also search for popular tags on google.
  • Use social media for marketing your blog. Keep links to your social media for follow ups.
  • Also join travel forums and provide your blog links to those forums too.
  • Subscribe to google alerts to get email notifications of blogs and websites similar to your blog niche.